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The Braonan Tribe of Idough
We come from the lands of Idough Bra-on, we the Celtic gods of war proud descendants of king Cearbhall of the castle on river Nore. Defenders of the land and people green rolling hills upon the moor our grand kingdom of Ossory where we battled the banes of Thor. Victories over the vikings Brennan valiance became the yore with victory over the Normans the earls of Orman joined our lore. Tanistry kept deeds and titles our celtic culture and our shore gifts of sight and of clarity passed from generations before. Today we hang onto our past although we hold our lands no more we celebrate that we’re alive and the nation that we’ll restore. |
Flourish of Dreams
Fireflies light our way, on ocean waves of sleep, calling us to hollows, where weeping willows weep. Silver thoughts and whispers, they shimmer golden streams, paint surreal pictures, that flow into our dreams. |
Wide awake above the sphere where dreams and nightmares meet thoughts of energy have their say and I, a being, am now complete. |