Very excited to announce that I am now, officially, a published author! 😎. My first novel, "The Shard of Asclepius" is now officially on sale at all online stores through Friesen Press, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Ingram’s global network of book sellers.
The Shard of Asclepius is also available in all e-book formats including Nook, Kobo, Kindle, through Amazon, Apple Books, Google play, and of course, Friesen Press. I’m very grateful, first and foremost, to the Friesen Press team, whose unending professional support helped guide me through the forest of learning curves that can befall an inexperienced first time novelist. They’ve made navigating the publishing jungle so much easier with their focused expertise and professional recommendations that I now find myself to be a published author. I recommend them highly to anyone who wants to publish a book as an independent author. I’d also like to thank the community of writers that I’ve interacted with on the All Poetry website. Their friendly support and constructive criticism on my poetry and prose helped improve my overall skills as a writer. I’d also like to thank the sea of online friends that supported my writing and influencers such as Graham Hancock, Brien Foerster, and Randle Carlson for their eye-opening presentations and investigations to uncover earth’s ancient past; a topic which I have been passionate about since my early teens. Of course, my biggest thanks go out to my wife and children, whose unwavering support gave me the strength, confidence and courage to become a writer. This is for you. And for everyone else, I hope you enjoy, “The Shard of Asclepius”, a science fiction supernatural thriller, and book one of the New Horizon’s series. Please feel free to comment on the book or drop me a line. It's all good.
I thought I’d kick off this new blog of mine with a mini short story, and since tomorrow is Father’s Day, here’s one called, “Father’s Day.” Happy Father’s Day everyone! Fathers Day The subtle chime of the Westminster clock echoed another hour as the light in the evening sky slowly fell from the living room window into the shadows of early dusk. The house was quiet, except for the ticking of the clock, but the old man’s thoughts were very much alive with the moving silhouettes of children, laughing from chasing games they played so long ago, like, “Beware the Claw!” and “The Roaring Monster”! Memories, all with happy endings, play out in his mind like old black and white movies as he sits comfortably in his shapely wooden chair passed down to him from his grandfather. Content in thought, a smile trembles on his lower lip with a far away gaze that is captured in the mirror across from him with the last rays of light from the sky. It’s Fathers Day and the children will surely call. Would they remember the silly bedtime stories that never had an ending, the summer campfires roasting marshmallows, or stargazing in the country from lawn chairs till sleep took them. The walks in elf forest, and coming home with the plunder of the elf’s little treasure chest full of old coins found in the hollow of a tree. Would they remember the winter magic of jumping in snow drifts ten feet tall, the toboggan runs on the village hills that were filled with hearty glee and laughter or the ice rink behind the house that lit up the trees and young imaginations after supper… It’s Fathers Day and the children will surely call. Thoughts then turn to his own father, a man that took life by the horns and made everything right. A hero who fought on the side of good in World War II, a man who became a community builder, a coach, mentor and role model. The father who drove his son around on his Sunday paper route in a four-door powder blue Plymouth Fury III with perfectly folded newspapers he stacked in rows on the front bench seat ready for delivery by a ten-year-old boy. Memories wisp and billow through his thoughts to then open up to a place in time when he was gently woken by the aroma of freshly buttered toast, coffee, and the busy sounds of CFCF radio 600. Dad was always the first one up and prepared breakfast for the family. Time then jumps to hockey games in the winter, soccer in the summer and football in the fall. They all echo the old man’s shouts of encouragement from those halls of yesteryear. Exciting moments from early days that encompass the smiles from a boy now past his father’s age. The clock chimed another hour and still the phone was silent…no worry, today is Fathers Day, and the children will surely call. Thoughts go back to a hospital room where his old man battled a terminal illness. A cold numbness remains from the day he passed away; it was the day before Father’s Day and the family was there with him. He recalled the helplessness of the moment, standing beside his hospital bed as he watched his father die in front of him; the black blood that came up when he coughed, just before the life slowly left his eyes. He remembered trying empathically to pull him back from the river of death that claimed him, and wonders still, if his father heard his words in his transit towards the light, “I love you Dad”! It was the first time in his life that he was able to muster the courage to tell him. …And just as thunder startles life on the earth, a knock at the door shakes the old man to the present, as the hallway fills with the merry sounds of children and adults. They fill the room with their smiles, energy and life, “Happy Fathers Day Grandad”! “Go put your things away or the claw will come to get you!” said the old man’s son to his giddy happy children. He then turns to the old man and says, "It’s so good to see you Dad, Happy Father's Day"! Welcome to the official website of Canadian author Stewart F. Brennan. You can call me Stew or Stewart; whatever you’re comfortable with is fine with me.
So, who is Stewart F. Brennan? Well, that’s a complicated question to answer in just one post. So, let me try to sum it up as briefly as I can without going into too much detail…impossible, but I’ll try. 😉 I’ve been a Geo-political and Geo-economic analyst, social and political activist, video producer, blogger, alternative music promotor, and poet. I’ve worked in mid management positions in several major Industries, authored three books of poetry called “The Activist Poet” and kept several blogs housing alternative news, views, music and creative passions. All of which are pieces of me that now merge as one to become the author of stories and novels going forward. One might say, I’m complicating-Ly simple, or simply complicated, I’m the nowhere man, sitting in his no where land, stringing together impressions of life in lyric and rhyme. I am a story teller, a keeper of truth, a fist raising speaker and DJ in a booth. I am an emotional being, that’s in the know, I’m an activist poet that writes from his soul. I suppose the poet in me will never really disappear and I’ll probably continue writing poetry in-between novels. I find that it allows me to condense my thoughts into rhythms and prose or maybe I just read too many Dr. Seuss books when I was a child and got stuck in a rhythm loop. Nah. you can never read too many Dr. Seuss books, besides he was way better. Blogging and moving forward: In the past, I’ve created and maintained a few blogs where I’ve collected and archived things of interest in music, news and the mysteries of earth’s ancient past. However, blogging also allowed me to express my creative side in poetry, photography and video production while also expressing my views and critique on Geo-political and Geo-economic narratives. All of which allowed me to let off steam…a lot of steam. So, I’m not really new to blogging but I am new to being a published author (Soon to be as of the summer of 2024). Although, I’ve written and published three books of poetry and prose, I don’t really count them as professional work as they are raw and somewhat unedited I’m embarrassed to say. But they were stepping stones to becoming a novelist. …and now I find myself, a soon to be, published author in a forest of books and dreams. I hope you enjoy my first novel, “The Shard of Asclepius”, a Sci-Fi / supernatural thriller due out in the summer of 2024. Book one in the, “New Horizon’s” series. Going forward, this will be my official blog, a place where I can connect with you, the cherished readers of my books. I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day! ~ Stewart ~ |
October 2024
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