December 5th, 2024 I received word today, that “The Shard of Asclepius”, was picked as one of the top 100 notable books for 2024 by the “Shelf Unbound Media Group” and was included in their online magazine issue, the “2024 Indie Best Award Winners”. I’m at a loss for words at how thrilled I am to receive this major recognition. Especially in this day and age when there are literally hundreds of thousands of books released every year. So, to be selected for this short list is truly quite an honor. Thank you so much to the Shelf Unbound Media group for such high praise! Reviews I’m also extremely pleased by the fantastic feedback I’ve been getting for “The Shard of Asclepius” by readers and book reviewers posting on Goodreads, including this “Five Star” review by Sara Lancaster of “Reader Views”. Did I say, “It’s been a great last two weeks?” Well, it has. 😊 Thank you everyone, for the positive feedback. You can check out some of these wonderful reviews at the following link – Goodreads Reviews. And so, for all my readers who are patiently waiting and / or wondering when my next book will be published, let me assure you that I am hard at work writing the second book right now while also forming the third book of the series as I write the second. So, this intriguing little adventure will continue in 2025. 😊 I can’t wait to share it with you. Thank you once again everyone, for your support and for sending me all your positive feedback. It truly does make a difference in this writers life. Have a great week everyone! 😊
Guardian Angel
There’s a sunrise in life today, a puppy just caught our sight. We never parted eyes from him for in him was this light. A light that spoke to my inner being his addition was a must those deep dark blue empathic eyes ensnared me with his trust. We took him home to our dingy place but somehow it became brighter his presence gave the world a glow and our burdens felt much lighter. He made a bee line for the kids and licked their little faces prompting giddy happy noise and giddy happy chases. The chains of life all fell away not once did he change his tune that angelic disposition that couldn’t come too soon. Recently, I was interviewed about my journey in writing by “Books for Badal”, an online book reviewer who had just completed book reviews for, “The Shard of Asclepius” and “The Activist Poet Vol’s 1 & 2”. Here are the questions and answers for that review.
Interview by Books for Badal: This interview is for all the avid readers out there, aimed at helping them connect with the author on a deeper level and gain more insight into their creative journey. Dive into the interview with the brilliant mind behind these captivating books! This exceptionally talented author has crafted collections of writing that are truly breathtaking. Be sure to explore their work and show your support by purchasing their books and more! It has been an absolute pleasure collaborating with you, and I sincerely hope you'll continue to pursue your writing endeavors and further develop your career. Thank you for generously sharing your valuable time for this interview." 01. Can you tell us about your journey as a writer? What inspired you to start writing? The true beginning to my writing can be attributed to a few influential high school teachers in the 1970’s who encouraged and supported me with positive feedback. They got me to believe in myself, and so, I started writing poems and short stories on my own time. I found that I really enjoyed writing. When some of those stories made the school newspaper, it inspired me to continue writing. Although five years after leaving high school I stopped writing due to other interests and distractions. But I came back to writing years later, as a way to express my disillusionment with the way the world was heading. By 2007, I launched my first blog to harbour my thoughts, my discontent, my passion for justice and my activism. I also returned to writing poetry after a twenty-three-year absence (2005). Eventually I launched three books of poetry, social commentary and political analysis in a vein attempt to help wake up the western world (2021-2022) and that led to the next logical step, novel writing. 02. How do you develop your characters? Do you draw inspiration from real-life people or create them entirely from your imagination? I think we all meet memorable characters throughout our lives, good and bad. Some of them leave lasting impressions which weave themselves into our own lives and actions. So, it’s a bit of both real life and imagination when it comes to creating characters. Bits and pieces. 03. What is your typical writing process like? Do you follow a strict routine or write whenever inspiration strikes? I write almost everyday, although it’s not just novel writing that I focus on, but also poetry or social / political /economic commentary. I guess it depends on my mood and what hits my interest first in the morning scrolls 😉… be it news or inspiring posts, I’ll always have something to say. 04. How do you handle writer's block or moments when you feel stuck in your writing? I don’t really get writers block per say. Sometimes I just don’t feel like writing and prefer to listen to music. It’s all about one’s moods and biorhythms. For me, there’s always something to write about, just not always a mood to write. 05. What role does research play in your writing? How do you approach the research process for your books? Research is important for all writers in my opinion, regardless of what topic or genre it is. If one wants to get a point across, there is a saying, “don’t do it half assed, spend the extra time and do it right”. Be analytical and don’t be afraid to question. 06. How important is the setting or location in your stories? Do you prefer using real places or creating fictional ones? Both the imaginative and real places are important in my writing. For the most part, I try to keep places as real as possible so that readers can identify with them. While some places hold special meaning for me, and can be springboards for diving into imagination. I suppose imaginary settings or locations are like wishes where you try to bring those places into reality. 07. Are there any particular themes or messages that you try to convey through your writing? I believe that there’s a better way to live on this planet than the way in which we are living right now. A world that is inclusive for all and not just the privileged few. So, you will find this respectful theme and message in much of my writing. I like to plant seeds in the reader’s mind...little seeds of truth that are often censored or lost in all the noise that’s screamed at us in day-to-day life. For each person that investigates a truth and does their own research, they not only free themselves but also remove a tiny bit of the burden from humanity’s shoulders. The message is about turning a negative energy torus into a positive energy torus. 08. How do you handle criticism or negative reviews of your work? Do they affect your writing process or style? A review is just one person’s opinion. However, it’s great to get feedback, good or bad. I’m more focused with the general reception of my writing rather than a concern for one negative review. However, If the negative review is honest in its criticism, then I welcome it so that I can grow as a writer. It then becomes a positive review. Turn a negative into a positive. 09. Can you share any memorable fan interactions or feedback that have impacted you as an author? When I hear from readers that tell me they really enjoyed the story, and that they couldn’t put the book down, well, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction...that something I wrote inspired such a positive comment and reaction. 10. Do you have any specific writing rituals or habits that help you stay focused and productive? Depending on the time of year, I go to the soccer field or the gym for a good workout. After-which I then go home, relax and take a nap. When I wake up, I feel good, I’m refreshed, my mind is open and the thoughts just flow. It’s the perfect atmosphere and conditions for writing. 11. Do you have any advice for young writers? Don’t stop writing and don’t let negative comment turn you from your passion. Writing, as is life, is all about experience over time. Keep writing, keep a journal or keep a notebook with you to jot down inspirations, observations or impressions. It’s all good, because it’s you and your personal journey. I have found that you can reach your highest goal if you put your mind and your heart into it. |
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